Thursday, March 26, 2020

Introduction to Distanced Learning

We the teachers of Burton School District have been asked to post videos for our students during school closures. Here is a script I wrote and delivered to my students and their families. The video is loading right now and probably looks weird as I look just below the camera at this script on the screen. I'm sure I'll get better at making them and that all will be forgiven.

"Hey students, I’d like to welcome you to what everyone is calling 'distanced learning!'"

"I was so grateful for your letters this week. So many of you have written from your hearts
and written beautifully. What I’ve gained from the 45 or so you have sent is that you
want meaningful work, but not too much so that you’re overwhelmed."

"As I’ve written back to some of you, the work that we do for distanced learning is no
pressure work. It does not and should not count for a course grade. The reason for this
is that some of you are caring for younger siblings as your parents work. Practically every
one of you wrote that you are gravely concerned for your loved ones, and that’s what your
primary concern needs to be."

"So what will we be doing for school? We’re working on some things, and again, your
letters have been tremendously helpful for my thinking. I’m considering providing several
options: some will be serious, likely tracking the course of this thing that’s disrupted our
lives and making some sense of it. We’re a part of history, so it’s important that we
document it."

"Practically every one of you reported feeling restless, and I think we need to take care
of our mental health during this time, so I will post articles about ways we can take care
of ourselves and do things that are meaningful. I’m hoping to offer some fun things
as well. Some of you want to write poetry or do some creative writing. We’ll offer a space
for that. We’ll do some things that are maybe unrelated to an English class to mix it up
and keep our brains busy."

"Expect to see something posted on your Google Classroom site every day you would
normally have my class at 9:00 AM. I’m not expecting you to do everything I post;
you will tell me what you find worth doing by what you choose to do. You have my
promise that I will be here for you as your teacher and advocate. If you’d like to drop
in for office hours via Zoom, I’ll post a link and be available to chat with you or your
family members from 1:00 to 2:30, and we do ask that you present yourself and your
background appropriately. If that’s an issue or you’d rather not, then you can turn off
the video on Zoom and just do audio. My email is _________ and I will get back to
you very soon if you use it."

"I’m going to miss working directly with all of you, but I’m confident that we will
make it through this and become stronger for it. Here’s to your health, and I’ll see you
next week."

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